The Rev. Amy Peeler, Ph.D. is the Kenneth T. Wessner Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, IL and an Associate Priest at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, IL. Author of Women and Gender of God (Eerdmans, 2022), “You Are My Son”: The Family of God in the Epistle to the Hebrews (T&T Clark, 2014), and co-author with Patrick Gray of Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide (T&T Clark, 2020), she continues to research, write, and speak on Hebrews and familial language in the New Testament. She received her B.A. in Biblical Languages from Oklahoma Baptist University, earned her M. Div. and Ph. D. in New Testament from Princeton Theological Seminary, and served as a Senior Research Fellow with the Logos Institute at the University of St. Andrews. She is an active member of the Institute for Biblical Research, Society of Biblical Literature, and a Fellow with the Center for Pastor Theologians. Her current research includes a commentary on Hebrews with Eerdmans. In addition to teaching, preaching, and writing, Rev. Dr. Peeler enjoys running, CrossFit, and time with her husband Lance, a church organist and liturgical scholar, and their three children.